Well, first of all, I hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas!! Ours was very nice. On Christmas Eve we rented out the clubhouse and invited over 10 friends. Amanda made a very nice dinner for everyone and we had a great time. We played basketball in the gym, drank some choice beverages and had fun.
Amanda only made one small mistake making cookies. Instead of putting 1/2 cup of coffee into the frosting for cookies, she put 1/2 cup of coffee grounds into it. All of a sudden I hear a frustrated sigh and "this frosting looks disgusting". OK, no more picking on Amanda. All of the food she made was great!
Since I was such a good boy this year, Santa came and was very generous. Hayden received a small rocking chair (we already had to take it away twice because he is standing on it and sitting on the arm) and a tickle-me-elmo. He also received a plethora of toys from everyone...thank you soooo much everyone!! It seems like at times he doesn't know what to play with because toys are everywhere. Amanda is already sporting her Coach purse and wallet and I'll get my present this weekend if the weather gets warmer. UPS has not been able to make deliveries in about four days, so there are a lot of packages that we ordered and have not received yet.
On Christmas we headed to Joe and Sue Ann's house to have dinner, we had a prime rib dinner and it was amazing! Hayden ran around talking up a storm even his "ho ho ho".
The snow is still here, I believe we have close to 2 feet now. Some of the roads still have not been plowed so it remains challenging to get around the city. Last night we had to park at the top of the hill and walk home because it was too slippery. It really is amazing that it has not snowed in 2 days and there is still A LOT of snow on the roads.
That is all for now, I wish we could have seen everyone, but we hope you all had a great holiday!!!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
All we want for Christmas...
Well it is almost Christmas Eve, and we couldn't be more ready for Christmas! It has been a crazy last week with all of the snow we have been getting. Since we got a total of approximately 18 to 19 inches, it has caused chaos in the state of Washington. Tonight we went to the grocery store to get items to make dessert for our Christmas party tomorrow night and I was there for a total of 4 hours! Almost two of those hours Jon was stuck in the parking lot in a complete grid lock. I cannot believe that this state doesn't do anything to the streets when it snows. Although last night at 11:00 pm they did plow our complex and Jon was able to drive to work, but hardly any of the other streets were cleared. It was like off-roading!
Anyway, Jon and I do have one wish for Christmas, and that is for a silent night. Hayden has only slept once through the night (December 12), but has yet to sleep more than five hours in a row since his 11 hour sleep through the night event. Needless to say, his sleep pattern is all over the place, I am not sure if this is because I am weaning him or what, but I would like some advice!
Well I hope everyone else gets their wishes this year for Christmas, we love you all, and Merry Christmas!
Anyway, Jon and I do have one wish for Christmas, and that is for a silent night. Hayden has only slept once through the night (December 12), but has yet to sleep more than five hours in a row since his 11 hour sleep through the night event. Needless to say, his sleep pattern is all over the place, I am not sure if this is because I am weaning him or what, but I would like some advice!
Well I hope everyone else gets their wishes this year for Christmas, we love you all, and Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Winter wonderland in Washington
Well it is going to be a beautiful white Christmas this year! I would like to say that is a good thing, but unfortunately Jon had to walk to work to day because it is impossible to get down or up our hill we live on and we had planned a Christmas party at our place Christmas Eve and we are only going to get more snow this weekend! In fact it is snowing right now, on top of our already 6 to 6 1/2 inches. Here is a picture outside our dinning room window.

The fun and exciting part about today, was I took Hayden outside to play a little bit in the snow. I got him all bundled up thanks to everything, everyone got him for his birthday. He was wearing the Packer's outfit from Aunt Nanc, his jacket he got from his Auntie Lisa, and his hat from his Great-grandma Clauer. He was wearing two sets of gloves because I didn't want his little fingers to get cold, and because we don't have snow boots for his monstrous feet, I put plastic bags over his socks to keep his feet warm and dry (an old trick from skiing I learned in Colorado). I took pictures but this is my favorite!
I will upload the rest to flickr. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, I know many places are going to be hit with snow, so be safe out there!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
1 Year Check Up
Well Hayden had his 1 year check up today. He wanted to wear his Elmo slippers to the doctors office and all of the nurses cooed over how cute he was in them. He is 22 pounds and 30 inches tall, which places him in the 49th percentile for weight and 45th percentile for height. He is finally in the middle for both height and weight.
He got 4 shots today, ouchie! He was suppose to get 6, but the doctor likes to break it up, so he got 4 today and will get two more at his 15 month check up. He cried really hard for the last two, it was so sad. To cheer him up we went to Jon's work to give Jon a smile and to cheer Hayden up as well. There is a lady at Jon's work that gives him cookies every time we go in, so I figured that would cheer Hayden up.
We came home about 11:00 and he has been sleeping for almost 3 hours. I guess those shots really do a number on him. As soon as he wakes up we are going shopping before it gets dark. It is suppose to snow again here! Well I hope you like the blog face lift and Merry Christmas!
He got 4 shots today, ouchie! He was suppose to get 6, but the doctor likes to break it up, so he got 4 today and will get two more at his 15 month check up. He cried really hard for the last two, it was so sad. To cheer him up we went to Jon's work to give Jon a smile and to cheer Hayden up as well. There is a lady at Jon's work that gives him cookies every time we go in, so I figured that would cheer Hayden up.
We came home about 11:00 and he has been sleeping for almost 3 hours. I guess those shots really do a number on him. As soon as he wakes up we are going shopping before it gets dark. It is suppose to snow again here! Well I hope you like the blog face lift and Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Yah! We fixed our computer
I know I said I would keep everyone updated more once school was out, well we had a minor problem with the computer. It crashed again, and we thought we would have to buy a new one. Well last night Jon was messing around with the computer and he fixed it! We are not sure how exactly but who cares it runs like a new computer.
Our apartment is almost decorated. We have the tree up with very few ornaments, our garland on the fireplace mantel, and our stockings hung (not on the fireplace). Decorating has been kind of a challenge. Hayden first pulled the tree down on himself, luckily it is fake and small and had no lights or ornaments on it and he hasn't touched the tree since then. The stockings were hanging first from the mantel off their stocking mounts, until Hayden pulled one down on his head and got a huge knot on his head. So lets just say I had to rethink the stockings. He likes the decorations though and likes putting his beads on the tree to decorate it, which is very cute.
For St. Nicks Hayden got his most prized item yet - Elmo slippers! He had to wear them all around the house. If he doesn't have them on he brings them to you to put on. At first it was funny to see him try and walk in them because he wanted to pick Elmo up as he was walking. If you can only imagine how well that turned out.
Anyway, his birthday was a hit. He had so much fun at Chuck E Cheese, I wish everyone was there to share in the fun. Chucky came out for another birthday party and Hayden wanted to join in their fun. It was too cute he was chasing Chucky around the front of the stage. We found out he loves pizza, being the first time he had it, and he ate 2 pieces! The cake was another story. He had his own cake and we tried to get him to dig in and he did for a little bit and then decided he hated the icing. He would put the cake in his mouth and then pull it out. It was probably too sweet for him! After the 30 minutes it took to clean him up, we gave Hayden cake without the frosting and he ate that! He loved all of his presents although we did save some for him to open on Wednesday his actual birthday.
The weather took a crazy turn giving us snow last night! It is beautiful here, a little cold, although not as cold as Wisconsin, but it is really getting me into the Christmas spirit! With that said I sent out cards Saturday so be on the look out for them! Miss you all!
Our apartment is almost decorated. We have the tree up with very few ornaments, our garland on the fireplace mantel, and our stockings hung (not on the fireplace). Decorating has been kind of a challenge. Hayden first pulled the tree down on himself, luckily it is fake and small and had no lights or ornaments on it and he hasn't touched the tree since then. The stockings were hanging first from the mantel off their stocking mounts, until Hayden pulled one down on his head and got a huge knot on his head. So lets just say I had to rethink the stockings. He likes the decorations though and likes putting his beads on the tree to decorate it, which is very cute.
For St. Nicks Hayden got his most prized item yet - Elmo slippers! He had to wear them all around the house. If he doesn't have them on he brings them to you to put on. At first it was funny to see him try and walk in them because he wanted to pick Elmo up as he was walking. If you can only imagine how well that turned out.
Anyway, his birthday was a hit. He had so much fun at Chuck E Cheese, I wish everyone was there to share in the fun. Chucky came out for another birthday party and Hayden wanted to join in their fun. It was too cute he was chasing Chucky around the front of the stage. We found out he loves pizza, being the first time he had it, and he ate 2 pieces! The cake was another story. He had his own cake and we tried to get him to dig in and he did for a little bit and then decided he hated the icing. He would put the cake in his mouth and then pull it out. It was probably too sweet for him! After the 30 minutes it took to clean him up, we gave Hayden cake without the frosting and he ate that! He loved all of his presents although we did save some for him to open on Wednesday his actual birthday.
The weather took a crazy turn giving us snow last night! It is beautiful here, a little cold, although not as cold as Wisconsin, but it is really getting me into the Christmas spirit! With that said I sent out cards Saturday so be on the look out for them! Miss you all!
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