Saturday, July 11, 2009

Our 4th of July Weekend Update

Well, I already posted our 4th of July Weekend pictures, but I am sure everyone wants to know how our weekend went. On Saturday morning we went to the parade that started at 11. Jon was already there because he judges certain entries and has to help official the parade. So, Hayden and I packed our cooler parked a mile away, and hiked to Dairy Queen to enjoy the parade (same spot as last year). Only problem was I forgot they remodeled the Dairy Queen aka no more shade. We then found Jon and set up camp over by where he was patrolling the parade.

The parade this year was quite long: 2 hours. There were parts Hayden loved: motorcycles, horses, helicopter, and of course the loud cannon, and there were parts that Hayden wasn't too fond of: the loud cars and the sirens from the firetrucks and police cars. I am not sure why they bothered him so much. We were going to have a picnic after the parade but our little man was pretty tired which means he was starting to get fussy. He went down for a 3 hour nap! We couldn't believe it.

After he got up from his nap we went to the park to swing ("weeee" as Hayden calls it). You wouldn't believe it until you look at the pictures, but the kid actually hangs on and you can push him pretty high. The higher the better according to him. After the park we went to the festival, but only lasted maybe 20 minutes. He isn't quite old enough for the bouncy floats they had there, and was upset when Jon and I were playing the bean bag game because even though he had his own bean bags we weren't paying enough attention to him.

At dinner, Hayden practically ate out the restaurant. Well not literally, but close enough. He ate off Jon and my plates from the salad bar and also his dinner. Two mini grilled cheese sandwiches and apples. We didn't think he could put anything else in there. Then after he was done it all came out. His face turned red and he grunted.... Jon asked if he was pooping and Hayden actually replied "yeh" and nodded his head. It was pretty funny. At dinner Hayden learned how to do a big smile and how to bat his eye lashes (all I am thinking is great now he really knows how to work me over).

Hayden went to bed early as usual but we woke him up for the fireworks ("boom booms"). He loved them! We sat on top of our hill and watched them and about 30 yards away a house was setting off the great big ones and he just watched in awe. Only problem was they kept setting them off until 1 in the morning and Hayden was wide awake every 20-30 minutes wanting to go watch.

Sunday we went to our friends house for a BBQ. Hayden had a blast. The girls have this bright pink guitar that plays different songs (What a girl wants, Survivor, etc). Anyway Hayden loved it, he wouldn't let it out of his sight nor reach. Jon was thinking great my son loves hot pink and girly music! It was pretty funny to watch his reaction. Hayden had such a great time, the kid didn't stop running until we got in the car to go home. At the end of the night the two girls were exhausted from playing with him, Jon and I just had to giggle because they are 9 and 12, too young to be worn out in 3 hours of play time.

Anyway, now that I have blabbed on and on I guess that comes to the end of our weekend. This week the only thing that is new with Hayden are his new words. He can say cookie... although you can't tell it is cookie, and he is starting to use Thank You. We are also working on Lisa and Hailee since we will be seeing you two very soon! Well I hope everyone has a good weekend and miss you all very much!

1 comment:

Jack and Cheryl said...

Just got off the phone from talking with you ..... Hayden is amazing. I can't believe that he can put together two words already ... it was music to my ears to hear "Hello Grandma."

Everyone at Aunt Pat's loved hearing him too .... he's going to be so cute to listen to on vacation and to watch .... Aunt Pat said that once Sadie started like Hayden is she was putting together sentences in a short time. He's growing up so fast!!!

Talk soon!!

Love the three of you very much!

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!