Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September Already

I can't believe it is already September. Where does time go? Both Jon and I have been busy with work and trying to get our apartment arranged so we have more room and less clutter. We bought a new Samsung 40 inch tv. A great buy considering our other tv kept buzzing every time we watched tv. It was rather annoying. So that meant that we needed a new entertainment center plus we had to rearrange our living room to fit the new entertainment. But we finally have everything the way we want it.

Hayden news!!!! We the kid his talking more than ever. However you still cannot understand him. He is doing puzzles like crazy and without help. It is unbelievable! He can sing his ABC's well, you can kind of understand him. This week daycare is out so they can go to conference so it is Mommy and Hayden time all week.

For Labor day weekend we are taking off to see the Oregon Coast and heading down to spend a couple days camping in the Redwoods. We will let you know how it goes, 12 hours in the car may drive us crazy! Hope everyone else has a great Labor Day weekend.


Jack and Cheryl said...

Hoping that you have a wonderful time at the Redwoods -- take lots of pictures. I didn't realize that you guys were camping ....

I've been thinking about how quickly Hayden can put those puzzles together -- it's amazing to watch him. He's an engineer in the making ......

You know I just have to say how much I love skype!!! I love being able to interract with you and with him .... we should have joined sooner!!!!

Again, have a great time this weekend!!! Missing you very much! Love you!

Jack and Cheryl said...

I dont see any redwood trees in any pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jack and Cheryl said...

Oops - posted under the wrong update -- please check back from vacation for my new comment.

Guess I had a "mother moment."

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!