Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Baby to Boy in a matter of weeks

I can't tell you how amazing it is to watch Hayden grow. Jon and I have decided we no longer have a baby that likes to be held, cuddled, and kissed; rather we have a little boy that loves to play, crawl, and get into as much trouble as possible.

Staying at home with Hayden has been a challenge these last few weeks. The other day while cleaning up a bit I swore Hayden was playing with the cat in the tunnel (which can keep him distracted for hours), and the next thing I knew he was gone. What do you know he found the bathroom and the toilet. Lets just say we are going to keep the bathroom door closed from now on. Yesterday, I was making Jon dinner before he came home and Hayden was helping by playing with the gobs of Tupperware all over the floor. The next thing I knew Hayden was chewing on something. He had grabbed a hand full of cat food and stuffed it in his mouth without me noticing. I got the majority of it out, but I think he got a few pieces down.

He is starting to stand by himself for longer than 30 seconds now, and is even attempting steps. I am not encouraging this, but I guess he is ready to grow up, even though Jon and I aren't ready. He has learned how to give "high-fives" and can even chase the cat around at a pretty good pace. The cat is handling it pretty well, but he sure runs when Hayden spots him anywhere.

But from day to day when I look at him I smile to myself and think of how lucky I am to be blessed with such a wonderful boy. He is becoming a handful with shorter naps, wondering crawling adventures, and sleepless nights, but he is truly a blessing. It makes me wondering how long it will take until he is just like his father. Which by the way does everything Jon does, he is teaching him some pretty sneaky stuff. So watch out Grandma and Grandpa, next time you see Hayden he may just remind you of your own son.

1 comment:

Jack and Cheryl said...

Hey you guys,
We laughed so hard -- the stories are great. Just wait until he's walking ......... you're in trouble Amanda and Jonathan!!!

Hayden must have inherited his love of pet food from his Auntie Hailee -- although she did prefer dog food. (I still remember her coming up to me with that huge smile and those tell-tale crumbs around her mouth! - YUCK)

Keep those videos coming -- Hayden is amazing to watch. Love it when he calls to chat too! Missing you guys so much -- can't wait to see all of you!

And Amanda, you are going to be one tired young woman keeping up with two "Jonathan's" at your house. You'll never have a moments peace ......

With lots of love & hugs!!!

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!