Sunday, April 26, 2009

Month from h _ _ _

What a month.

The weekend before Easter, Hayden started getting sick. Runny nose, drainage from his eye, fever of as high as 104…etc. We took him to the doctor and they put him on Amoxicillin thinking it was a virus. The next morning he woke up with red splotches all over his back and butt. Needless to say, we found out he is allergic to Amoxicillin. They put him on Azrithomycin for three days and we thought that he was feeling better. The Saturday before Easter he was doing better and we took him to the Easter Egg Hunt in Tumwater. Hayden even picked up his own eggs this year and held his basket. He likes candy.

Everything was good the next week, fever seemed to be going down and he was getting back to himself. On Sunday, we went to the spring festival in Puyallup. He loved all the animals, and we even got to hold a crocodile. There was an arts and crafts section where we made him a Frisbee which turned out pretty cool if I do say so myself. Unfortunately, we had to cut our visit a little short, Hayden felt a little warm. That night, his temperature hit 104 again.

The next morning, Amanda had to take him in for a blood draw. The following day, he was back to the doctor for the results. The blood results looked good, just a high white blood cell count…which means an infection. Just to be sure, they took a chest x-ray…sure enough…pneumonia. In both lungs. They put him on some more antibiotics and we hoped he would start feeling better. Friday night, after he went down for the night, he woke up screaming. You could tell he was struggling to breathe. His chest was heaving, when he inhaled it sounded like he was barking, and he was kicking his legs as he tried to get air in. So we took him to the ER again. The doctor there said…Croup. They gave him an anti-inflammatory with some steroids in it and sent us on our way after a 3 hour visit. If it happens again, they told us to take him right back to the ER, otherwise to make an appointment with his doctor on Monday. So…that is where we are at right now. Tomorrow he has his follow-up appointment with Dr. Duncan.

Stats for April (so far): 6 - Visits to the Doctor, 2 – ER visits, 2 – Nights of sleeping through the night.

He needs to get to feeling better…for all our sakes…and sanity.

1 comment:

Jack and Cheryl said...

Please keep us posted -- if you need to talk to us, or get a message through call Lisa (if you haven't received your box yet) -- she has the numbers for Tree of Life and they will get in touch with us through Petco & the group here.

Hang in there and know that we love you guys very much! Hayden's a tough little guy!

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!