Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Play school

The last two days have been pretty big days for our little man. Since I started school during the day Hayden has to be in day care. Monday we went to visit to get him use to the teachers and children, and it didn't go to well. I left the room for 15 minutes and I could hear him crying down the hall. Lets just say I was very scared to drop him off yesterday.

Monday night I even told Jon that I didn't know if I would be able to leave him if I heard him cry, then of course I started to cry on my own. Well, Tuesday came and the little guy surprised me. He handled me leaving very well, waving at me as I left the room. No tears were shed all day long, and he didn't even use his nuk for 3/4's of the day. I stopped in about 11:30 between classes to see if he was doing alright. Turns out he looked like he belonged there, which just broke my heart. I know it should have relieved me, but I was upset because I felt he didn't need me anymore. Even though I know that isn't true.

Today going to class was much easier, and of course he was a perfect angel. Anyway I just thought you all would like to know he can sleep without his world being cut off. Good news for vacation this summer!!!!


Jack and Cheryl said...

No need to worry -- Hayden will need you always .....

What a wonderful thing that he's adjusting to daycare so well. It sounds as if he's a people person just like his mommy and daddy.

Have you realized that it's April? Doesn't that sound a lot closer to July than March did?????????????

Love you guys so much and missing you tons!

Pat & Brian said...

Well Amanda,

Kids do surprise you so fast. While it is hard for mom it is wonderful that you and Jon have prepared him so well for daycare. He is smart and I bet he enjoys the other children to play with.

We can't wait to see you all again. Hope all is well with Jon and his new job. We are glad you are all well and happy, and by the way, Cheryl is right..he will always need and want you to be available for him.

There is only one mom and dad. You will always be
the most important to him, (until he finds his own
mate that is) and that is the way God wants it to be. Have a most Blessed Easter, we are off to Florida one week from tomorrow. Can't wait for the sun and warmth.

Love and hugs to you all!!

Linda said...

As hard as it is for a mother to leave her child, it will be good for Hayden to have his special playtime with other "littles". A mother is a mother forever. Boys always need their moms...

Happy Easter from the Komoll's!!!

Life Changed now I'm Moving On said...

Hi Jon, Amanda, and Hayden!
We are thinking about you, and hoping that Hayden gets over the rest of his pneumonia and croup soon, we miss you all very much and are hoping and praying for a speedy recovery. Today was day one was rough dropping Mom & Dad off at the airport, but they are doing a fantastic thing and hopefully we'll all hear from them soon.. Take Care and know that We LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH!
Love Always,
Lisa and Hailee

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!