Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day Weekend

We had a great Father's Day! We went to an air show, which was just down the road from us. We figured Hayden would have a great time because, every time he sees a plane in the sky he yells "bye bye" at the top of his lungs like he thinks the air plane is going to hear him. He also points and says "pain" or plane.

At the air show it was no different. It was "hi," "pain," and "bye bye" all day long. He got to sit in a transporting army helicopter, and he thought that was pretty cool. In a couple of the pictures on flickr you can see him in the drivers seat and also getting buckled in. However, after he did get buckled in he shook his head no and wanted out! After that he was very intent to watch the officer buckle the other kids in, he then wanted to figure out how to buckle himself in. He wasn't too happy when we took him out of the helicopter, but has quickly distracted by the flying air planes.

We saw a helicopter drop an SUV from probably 300 yards up and it just completely flattened. That was pretty cool! Jon had a good day, I was able to surprise him with his gift this year (The first time I was ever able to keep it away from him!). Anyway, we had a good weekend now we are just waiting for vacation to come. It couldn't come soon enough for either of us!


Jack and Cheryl said...

It sounds like you guys had a wonderful Father's Day. Love the pictures of Hayden in the helicopter -- he looks right at home sitting in that seat.

Is the monkey his favorite toy? Love the "W" cap!!!! And Brewers Jonathan???

Sent the check for Musky Bay today! That means vacation is coming quickly!!! Can't wait to see you all.

Pat & Brian said...

What cute photos!! We can't wait to see all of you.
Hayden seems like such a trooper, always on the go and enjoying it very much. Glad you included some pics of yourselves, miss you guys.

We just got back from the St. Louis area, and also
Lake of the Ozarks. We went to see our best friends and stayed for four days. Lots of fun. Heat wave of 102 and humid, glad its better at home today. I was on my way to empty the suitcases, but stopped here first. Guess I should finish that.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Sending our love and hugs....(what are you guys doing for dinner on vac? I haven't decided yet) bye...

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!