Thursday, August 7, 2008

Home sweet home

Well we have been home for almost a week. I never thought an apartment could feel like home, but now since Hayden has been sleeping better my guess is he is glad to have his own crib back. Sunday and Monday nights he slept great only waking up once and then twice Monday night. I thought it was going to continue, but unfortunately I think teeth are starting to make there way in again. He has be restless and naps have been an issue these last two days. Last night we woke up crying every couple of hours, poor little guy I think he still has a while before those teeth pop through.

Other then teething, Hayden has made vast improvement standing. That is all he wants to do now is stand. He can crawl regular now, but if there is anyway he can get to his feet he would rather walk. He has been walking along the couch going from his walker to the couch, back to his walker to the chair. It is amazing to see him let go and then grab back on when he knows he isn't balanced. He has crashed a few times (one I got on film) but he is a trooper no tears.

Just the other day he started doing this pity cry when we put him down for naps or to go to bed. He now stands up in his crib where he has plain view of the door and wales until someone opens the door and then is all smiles from ear to ear. I got that on film too, not so much the crying, but when I put him down for his nap all I heard from the room was DADADDA DADA DAADDA, really loud too, it was as if he was calling for someone to come get him. It was pretty funny because I found him standing in his crib just waiting like he has been. Now of course it is the screams because if we go in their too often he gets the wrong idea. Today it only took 30 minutes for him to go down. He took a hour nap earlier in the car, I went down to see Jon and on the way home Hayden passed right out. I didn't want to wake him up so I drove around for a while, of course when I took him out of the car he was wide awake ready to go again. It seems now that he is moving he doesn't think he needs a nap because playing is more fun.

Next week Hayden and I are taking off to go to Colorado. My grandma had a triple bypass today, she is in recovery and the surgery took two hours less than expected. She is a trooper that is for sure, so my mom and I are going to be heading there for 10 days to help out. I don't know what I will do without Jon. It will be the longest we have spend apart sense Europe over a year ago. Anyway, my class is almost over for the summer, so I will have time to update more often. I have pictures to upload and will probably get time tomorrow to do so, just wanted to update everyone today. Miss you all! To bad vacation couldn't last forever!


Aunt Nanc said...

Just watched the DADA again, cant' get enough. The walking is really starting to go good.
Was great to see you guys even for a few minutes.
Miss you all.

Jack and Cheryl said...

I'm with Aunt Nancy -- we all watched the Dadada video. It makes us laugh every time. It's Hailee's favorite! He's just so cute!!

Glad that his tooth is finally through, hope you get a little break before the next one.

Talk with you soon!

Love you guys TONS & Missing you just as much!

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!