Friday, October 17, 2008

Good Week

Well it was a good week in the Ollmann household. Hayden is feeling so much better and sleeping very well considering his nasty cold last week. His black eye is hardly noticeable anymore and he is progressing with his walking although only when no one is video taping of paying attention(at least when he thinks we aren't). He has learned to stand on his own without pulling up or getting help. He still won't walk while we are holding his hands, I think he wants to do it all on his own. He is a little independent, which stinks because he only wants his crib and won't fall asleep in my arms anymore. Yes it is kind of sad, I miss the little Hayden that cuddled. He is playing better in his crib which is nice because it gives Jon and I an extra hour or so in the morning to have to ourselves.

Yesterday, we had our normal class together on Thursday (we missed last Thursday because of his cold). I found out a lot of moms and their kids missed last Thursday as well. I as learned that Hayden is biting because he is teething which is perfectly normal for him to bite my shoulder, fingers, toes, and anything else he can get his mouth on. His ears are still bothering him from the pressure of being congested so he has been sucking on his nuk a lot lately, and yesterday at the class a little boy stole it from him. Well, I hate to say my kid is going to be a bully, but Hayden bit his nose. Yes the kid cried and I thought the mom was going to hate us, but she just laughed and said he will think twice about taking it next time.

Sorry we have been so lax on the pictures. I am putting some new ones up on fickr once I am done, also I will post a new video of Hayden waving. Hope everyone had a good week and hope the weekend treats you good. Bye for now, I will try and post every Friday!

1 comment:

Pat & Brian said...

Hi Hadyen,

You are so fun to watch. Thank your mom and dad for sharing so much with us. You are growing so fast. We can't wait to see you again. While watching the videos it is so neat to see that you know when Grandma and Grandpa are on the phone with you. You are so smart. It is wonderful that Grandma Cheryl is coming to see you, I bet she is so excited. We are all fine here. Brett and Bon are going to San Francisco
tomorrow to celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss. We are having the kids for the next 5 days. I am glad Ben is such a good helper, Sadie keeps me hopping. We are so looking forward to it though. Have a nice weekend, we miss you all. love and hugs,

Aunt Pat and Uncle Brian

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!