Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! Hayden is now 10 months old and is exploring new and exciting things. Jon already posted his walking performance, but he have a few more videos I will post today as well as a ton of new pictures. Tonight we are going trick-or-treating and Hayden is going to be a Monkey. He will be trick-or-treating with a Banana and a Pirate! Don't worry I will post more pictures this weekend.

I will start with new updates from last week. Hayden started clapping which is exciting because he likes to clap for daddy when he does good playing tennis on the wii. Also any time he is proud of himself he claps for himself it is super cute. Plus we have a video of it! We also went to the pumpkin farm to pick out pumpkins. Hayden wasn't walking yet so he was in the carrier, plus it was too dark to get some good pictures.

Carving pumpkins with Hayden was fun, he loved the guts. They even tasted good to him because he kept diving in, then putting in his mouth, and of course mommy and daddy had to stay on our toys so he didn't sallow a seed or too much pumpkin guts. I have pictures and a video post that will go up today.

Finally yesterday we had our play class, and all of the parents dressed up the little guys. I have pictures of that too. So enjoy the new videos and pictures and have a great Halloween and a good weekend!

1 comment:

Jack and Cheryl said...

He's the cutest monkey we've ever seen -- hope that you're trick or treat night was lots of fun. Can't wait to see pictures of it!

The pumpkin video is so precious - his orange face, eating the yucky stuff. Grandpa thinks he's going to be a pumpkin seed eater like Auntie Hailee!

Can't wait to see you guys -- only a few more days!

Love you all ......... post those pictures soon!

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!