Thursday, October 2, 2008

Taking Steps

I know it has been a few weeks since our last post. For that we apologize, the only time we get to ourselves now days is during nap time and in the evening after my class is over at 8:00. Jon is getting close to finishing his AIT, only one more month of hours the comes the board tests. I have three classes lined up this semester, one is another baby/parent class that I am taking again with Hayden.

In the class are 14 babies, most of them are around Hayden's age, so it is good he has a few playmates. There are actually more boys in this class then the last. I have only been to the class once, we have it today at 12:30, but it was fun to watch all of the babies crawling around playing with each other.

I do have some bad news, Hayden is growing up too fast. He has been taking a few steps, the max has been two, but still I think it is too soon. I miss my little cuddle buddy. The nights have been getting better, but ever so often he wakes up at 2:00 am and won't got back down until 3:30 or so. Yes this happened last night, and I am not sure if it is because he is getting a few more teeth, or why it only happens every 5 days.

Anyway, things are good here. Still trying to keep Hayden out of things, he is a handful when he wants to be. He sure knows how to test his boundaries. You should see the little smirk he gets when he knows he is into something he shouldn't be. It is vary similar to Jon's "I didn't do it" or "I don't know what you are talking about" look. You all know what I mean. Well, we miss you all and hopefully we can make it back to Wisconsin before the year is up.


Jack and Cheryl said...

What goes around comes around Jonathan -- we're sorry Amanda but inside we're doing a little happy dance -- we always told Jonathan that we hoped he had a child "just like him." (At least you know the end result is perfect -- right Amanda??)

Seriously though -- enjoy him, he's growing up so fast!!! Love the posts you guys, but some new video of all the "trouble" that sweetie is causing would be so CUTE!!!

Love you guys!!! Hugs to you & a big rub for Hayden!

Jack and Cheryl said...

Oh my -- I just read my last post and I meant say Hayden is growing up so fast -- I'm not sure that Jonathan will ever grow up!!! (I'm still hoping that Jack will) :-)

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!