Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Flooding Ahead

Well it is now the time of year for flooding and unfortunately the building Jon use to work at is in the flood plane and he is down helping evacuate the building. Hopefully I-5 won't flood again so my mom can come up and watch Hayden this weekend! Jon and I both need a break from our vocal son.

Hayden has found his voice, and since he can't communicate the way he wants, he screams at us. Plus the teething monster may be visiting him because he chews on his hands constantly. The good news is Hayden said a new word on Monday, banana, or his way of saying it "Na nana."

Another thing Hayden found was his wee willie winkie in the tub last night. Who needs bath toys when there are more interesting things to play with in the tub... hahaha


Jack and Cheryl said...

Thinking about you guys -- hope all is well.

Love you!

Pat & Brian said...

Hi guys,

Well here is old Aunt Pat with a little advise. Stop the yelling now, before he won't listen to you. Keep telling him in a very Quiet voice that he should talk softer, or use his indoor voice, remember to keep your voice low or quiet,tell him, SHhhhh, then he will maybe mimic you. I know Brett and Bon did this with Ben when he started and he got the hang of it soon. I'm sure with all the snow and troubles you have in WA it isn't easy with a boy full of ambition, ready to run and have fun. Hope your weather turns around for you soon. Think about you all lots and miss you. Has he gotten any better with the sleeping Amanda? How is your schooling going? I will have to call and talk to you soon. Miss all the news you have. Hope Gram Melissa can get through and relieve you guys a little while. Have a nice weekend.

love and hugs,,Brian and Pat

Linda said...

Here's wishing the Ollmann's a Happy New Year. Thanks so much for the beautiful picture of Hayden. He's such a little boy already, not the baby we last saw.

Steve and Monica are officially Tennessee residents. The move went smoothly and they have started proceedings on their new home. I miss them already. Now I know how your mom and dad feel with you so far away.

Hang in there...and I agree with Pat, just keep talking to him in a quiet voice and emphasize a low tone. He's smart, he'll catch on, if your persistent.

Miss ya!
Kenda & Linda

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!