Friday, March 6, 2009

End of the Week

Well it is the end of the week and I finally found the camera cord. Who would have thought we would have put it in the Wii box, but then again we have an organizer that likes to put things away and who knows where they will end up. Yesterday I found an old sippy in the back of the cupboard, it appeared to have yogurt in it, so I am guessing that the sippy had been put there a few days ago. Again I am not surprised. I have found puzzle pieces in the dishwasher, nuks in the fridge, and books in the cupboards as well.

Since I last blogged, Hayden has started saying a few more words (well that we can make out). Hot is "ha ha" and he does this when his food is too hot while pulling the food out and putting it back on the plate. Also a new work is "caca" or "kaka" and we still have no idea what that means. He started saying it on Sunday and we tried to figure out what it meant and still have no clue. I don't know if he is learning his c's or his k's, or if it is an actual word he is trying to say. This morning he said it when he wanted his nuk from Jon, but who knows if we will ever find out.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend! Miss you all. P.s. I uploaded pictures to flickr.

1 comment:

Ruchell said...

Hey Guys! Hayden is getting so big! Isn't it fun trying to figure out what they say? Amanda I will email you a offer through my AVON site so that you get free shipping - if you want to order those body paints. They are super cheap. What email should I use? Hope you guys are doing well.... Miss you!

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!