Sunday, July 20, 2008

6 Days

Well it is almost that time...Rhinelander. I can not even begin to tell you how excited we all are to head back to Wisconsin.

Same ol' same ol' this past week. I went to Shelton, Wa to help out the interim administrator transition for the majority of the week and spent a day in Vancouver for a meeting. Interesting side petition to the state of Washington got approved and I can count more hours towards my AIT. Now it looks like I will complete it at the end of October instead of the end of December and should hopefully get my license and own facility by the end of the year.

Amanda is doing great in her internship and her instructor invited her back next semester to do the same thing. She is getting some great experience and really seems to be enjoying it.

Hayden has been doing great! That second bottom tooth did poke through so he is much happier. We also discovered that when he shakes his head "no", it is a game for him. If you shake your head back at him he laughs and does it again. Tonight I was waving my foot at him and he was shaking his head back at it. Sometimes I wonder if he fell one too many times on his head.

He is also starting to move a lot more and can pretty much get where ever he wants to. Hasn't started crawling yet though, but is getting close.

That's all for now, have a great week everyone!!!


Jack and Cheryl said...
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Jack and Cheryl said...

Had to delete the first post -- sorry -- it somehow posted before I was finished.

Hey guys!

Vacation is almost here -- I was worried that you guys might have some trouble getting back here because of all the changes with Midwest Express. Glad it's not going to affect you.

Can't wait to see Hayden on the move. Maybe he'll start the official crawl when we're on vacation . . . how exciting that would be.

We had the party at the Kleins on Sunday. Sadie was there and she's on the move - she crawls so cutely -- one leg under and not moving, the other doing all the work. But she gets where she wants to go -- once to the cords under a table and I had the honor or turning her around and heading her the other way. Needless to say she did not like that one bit and she let me know - loudly! She is adorable.

Uncle Brian has a new game that he's bringing up north; a bean bag Packer game -- the guys were addicted.

If there's anything else you would like us to bring let us know.

Lots of love -- an extra dose because I forgot to tell you on Sunday when we chatted.

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!