Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Updating Pictures and Videos

Ahh... Hayden has finally gone down for a nap and I am able to upload pictures and blog. I was told that was my job today and in all honesty we haven't uploaded in about a month. Sorry about that, it has been one crazy month, so glad vacation is only 3 days away. Well we are almost packed (have everything all out on the dinning table), and still think we are forgetting something. Don't worry we will not forget Hayden.

Hayden is doing very well this week with sleeping. Last night he woke up at 11 hungry as can be. Don't know how he eats as much as he does for dinner and then wakes up 3 hours later hungry. I thought it was going to be a long night, but he didn't wake up until 6:00 what a relief. Lately he has been very independent, playing on his own and rolling and scooting everywhere. He knows what he wants and he goes for it. I think he is also learning how to get what he wants when he can't get it. It seems these past few days when he wants to go down for a nap he has been doing this little coughing thing. Also if he sees someone eating he thinks he needs to eat something too.

Well that is all for now and we probably won't blog until we get back from vacation. All recent pictures have been uploaded and two new videos should appear in the video bar by tonight. Miss everyone!

1 comment:

Jack and Cheryl said...

Ahhhh, honey -- it's going to be a long 10 days -- hang in there. They will be home before you know it.

Hoping you'll get some golfing in with your boss, some extra work hours and maybe some extra sleep time. Or maybe you could do some scrapping for Amanda -- you're pretty good at it, the book you made me of our Europe trip turned out amazing.

Can't wait to see all the new pictures. You should see the stack of pictures we have of our vacation -- think I'll have to get the scrapping stuff out soon and get to work.

Have a good weekend!

Love you!

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!