Friday, July 11, 2008

All the new things

For some reason it is much easier to post on Fridays during Hayden's nap, but his naps haven't been lasting very long due to teething and the painting going on outside his window last week. Plus my mom was here at the beginning of last week and she wore him out and threw off his sleeping schedule a little bit! I don't think he sleeps because he is too interested in what Grandma Melissa will do next.

My class is going great. I am learning a lot about teaching adults and the struggles they have with learning. It has been interesting, but hopefully I will walk away with some knowledge to put towards my future students. Last week Jon was running the building all by himself and he was able to get the building back on budget. This week he is in Shelton helping that building. Sometimes I think the company takes advantage of how hard working and knowledgeable he is in the health care profession.

A lot has been going on with Hayden these past few weeks. We are hoping his bottom second tooth will pop threw soon. He has been going through a growth spurt slash teething all at the same time and you can tell he is miserable. You can tell he wants to eat, but also that it is bothering him to eat. Sometimes we can't believe how much he polishes off when eating baby food, then there are other times all he wants to do is nurse and not eat the baby food. Today Tuesday July 15, he has a doctors appointment and Jon and I have discussed questions to ask so we won't feel so helpless.

Also in the last few weeks Hayden has learned NO NO, well he has been shaking his head no no. We have it on video, but I haven't go it uploaded yet. He can also pull himself up to standing. We figured that out on day when we sat him up in his crib to get ready for the baby and the next thing we know he had pulled himself up and was hanging over the railing. Scared us half to death, so we moved the crib down where he can't do that anymore. Another big step happened last night Monday July 14, Hayden started to feed himself. Well he can only grab Cheerios, because they don't squish between his fingers, and they only made it in maybe 25% of the time but at least he is getting the hang of it. We also got that on video but on the camcorder and I have yet to figure out how to download from the camcorder, so it may not make it to the blog. We will catch him at it again though so have no fear.

Well Jon and I are very excited to start our vacation. With little to no sleep we are both exhausted and can't wait to relax. Can't wait to see everyone and show off our big boy. Oh yes, he is getting bigger and not much longer until he is crawling, he almost has it down. Miss you all and can't wait to see you!

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Guess when Hayden will arrive!!