Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Doctor's appointment

Well we had our check up with the doctor today. Hayden's head circumference is 17 inches, 2 inches larger than last time and he is in the 50th percentile for head circumference. His height is 27 3/4 inches which is 2 1/4 inches taller than last time and he is in the 50th to 60th percentile for height. He weighs 19 lbs and 6.5 ounces, which is almost 3 pounds more than last time and he is only in the 60th percentile. I was shocked to know that he wasn't in the 90th to 98th percentiles any more and was informed that he has more lean then most babies (most babies are formula fed these days) because he is so strong and is developed as much as a normal 9 month old baby. Watch out Sadie here Hayden comes.

Some of the questions I asked the doctor were about Hayden eating too much or not enough. He told me that babies know when they are too full and will stop or throw up the food that is making their tummies sick. Well apparently Hayden isn't getting enough food and that is why he won't sleep through the night. So the 1 1/2 containers of babies food, oatmeal, 5 cheese raviolis, and cheerios just aren't cutting it. I know that sounds like a lot for a baby doesn't it? Anyway the doctor informed me that I need to start feeding him more protein and fatty foods at night which will help with the sleeping. Which covered the next question I was going to ask. When should he start sleeping through the night? Another question was about the airplane and giving him something to calm him down since he is so active. He gave me a lot of good tips. I just hope they work, otherwise Jon and I are going to have a long flight before vacation.


Jack and Cheryl said...

Hayden sure is growing up quickly -too quickly for this grandma! I'm going to miss all that snuggling & rocking on this vacation; the older kids will be much more exciting for him. :( Hoping he'll let me get a few minutes of kisses & cuddles in.

We're looking forward to having a full week with all of you. Just had a funny thought -- Jonathan, I can remember when I was looking forward to your week at camp Wilderness -- a whole week without kids -- hmmm, life has certainly changed!

See you soon!

Pat & Brian said...

Thanks again for the nice updates. Your little guy sure is in a hurry to do all that stuff so early. Sadie just started crawling, she is so cute. One leg crawls normal and the other is sort of under her and bent. She does manage to get into lots of stuff though. I was there today, wow, she kept me busy. I found two different toys in her mouth, she loves to bang on the TV screen, try to close the cabinet doors for the TV and pull open the kitchen cabinets. She tried to eat two very small peas off of Ben's chair and some stuff off the kitchen floor. Man, she tired me out. Then I found her sleeping in a sitting position, only folded over on her legs, wierd!! I wonder how long she did that!. She is also eating Cheerios, and regular food off her tray. Fun to watch her maneuver it into her mouth. And she certainly knows how to let you know she doesn't want to do something. That red hair isn't for nothing. Hoping Hayden is feeling better and sleeping better for you. You and Jon really need this vacation. Can't wait to see you all. Love and hugs.....

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!