Tuesday, December 23, 2008

All we want for Christmas...

Well it is almost Christmas Eve, and we couldn't be more ready for Christmas! It has been a crazy last week with all of the snow we have been getting. Since we got a total of approximately 18 to 19 inches, it has caused chaos in the state of Washington. Tonight we went to the grocery store to get items to make dessert for our Christmas party tomorrow night and I was there for a total of 4 hours! Almost two of those hours Jon was stuck in the parking lot in a complete grid lock. I cannot believe that this state doesn't do anything to the streets when it snows. Although last night at 11:00 pm they did plow our complex and Jon was able to drive to work, but hardly any of the other streets were cleared. It was like off-roading!

Anyway, Jon and I do have one wish for Christmas, and that is for a silent night. Hayden has only slept once through the night (December 12), but has yet to sleep more than five hours in a row since his 11 hour sleep through the night event. Needless to say, his sleep pattern is all over the place, I am not sure if this is because I am weaning him or what, but I would like some advice!

Well I hope everyone else gets their wishes this year for Christmas, we love you all, and Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Jack and Cheryl said...

Amanda & Jonathan & Hayden,

Just touching base to let you know that we're thinking of you. Wishing that you get that "silent night" that you're hoping for, if you don't though always remember that the days when you can't get him out of bed are coming. Hailee is still in bed right now and it's 10:30 a.m. here! We're having the opposite problem!!!

We hope that the party goes well tonight! Can't wait to hear how it went ....

Love you guys tons! Miss you so much!! We'll be talking .........

Love you,
Mom & Dad & Hailee (who by the way just got up .... and Jonathan she looks the way she always does!!!)

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!