Monday, December 15, 2008

Yah! We fixed our computer

I know I said I would keep everyone updated more once school was out, well we had a minor problem with the computer. It crashed again, and we thought we would have to buy a new one. Well last night Jon was messing around with the computer and he fixed it! We are not sure how exactly but who cares it runs like a new computer.

Our apartment is almost decorated. We have the tree up with very few ornaments, our garland on the fireplace mantel, and our stockings hung (not on the fireplace). Decorating has been kind of a challenge. Hayden first pulled the tree down on himself, luckily it is fake and small and had no lights or ornaments on it and he hasn't touched the tree since then. The stockings were hanging first from the mantel off their stocking mounts, until Hayden pulled one down on his head and got a huge knot on his head. So lets just say I had to rethink the stockings. He likes the decorations though and likes putting his beads on the tree to decorate it, which is very cute.

For St. Nicks Hayden got his most prized item yet - Elmo slippers! He had to wear them all around the house. If he doesn't have them on he brings them to you to put on. At first it was funny to see him try and walk in them because he wanted to pick Elmo up as he was walking. If you can only imagine how well that turned out.

Anyway, his birthday was a hit. He had so much fun at Chuck E Cheese, I wish everyone was there to share in the fun. Chucky came out for another birthday party and Hayden wanted to join in their fun. It was too cute he was chasing Chucky around the front of the stage. We found out he loves pizza, being the first time he had it, and he ate 2 pieces! The cake was another story. He had his own cake and we tried to get him to dig in and he did for a little bit and then decided he hated the icing. He would put the cake in his mouth and then pull it out. It was probably too sweet for him! After the 30 minutes it took to clean him up, we gave Hayden cake without the frosting and he ate that! He loved all of his presents although we did save some for him to open on Wednesday his actual birthday.

The weather took a crazy turn giving us snow last night! It is beautiful here, a little cold, although not as cold as Wisconsin, but it is really getting me into the Christmas spirit! With that said I sent out cards Saturday so be on the look out for them! Miss you all!

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Guess when Hayden will arrive!!