Friday, December 26, 2008

Ho Ho Ho

Well, first of all, I hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas!! Ours was very nice. On Christmas Eve we rented out the clubhouse and invited over 10 friends. Amanda made a very nice dinner for everyone and we had a great time. We played basketball in the gym, drank some choice beverages and had fun.

Amanda only made one small mistake making cookies. Instead of putting 1/2 cup of coffee into the frosting for cookies, she put 1/2 cup of coffee grounds into it. All of a sudden I hear a frustrated sigh and "this frosting looks disgusting". OK, no more picking on Amanda. All of the food she made was great!

Since I was such a good boy this year, Santa came and was very generous. Hayden received a small rocking chair (we already had to take it away twice because he is standing on it and sitting on the arm) and a tickle-me-elmo. He also received a plethora of toys from everyone...thank you soooo much everyone!! It seems like at times he doesn't know what to play with because toys are everywhere. Amanda is already sporting her Coach purse and wallet and I'll get my present this weekend if the weather gets warmer. UPS has not been able to make deliveries in about four days, so there are a lot of packages that we ordered and have not received yet.

On Christmas we headed to Joe and Sue Ann's house to have dinner, we had a prime rib dinner and it was amazing! Hayden ran around talking up a storm even his "ho ho ho".

The snow is still here, I believe we have close to 2 feet now. Some of the roads still have not been plowed so it remains challenging to get around the city. Last night we had to park at the top of the hill and walk home because it was too slippery. It really is amazing that it has not snowed in 2 days and there is still A LOT of snow on the roads.

That is all for now, I wish we could have seen everyone, but we hope you all had a great holiday!!!

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Guess when Hayden will arrive!!