Friday, May 23, 2008

Wow has the week flown by

What can I say. It's Friday and I couldn't be more excited, minus the fact I have to work all weekend and Jon is working Monday. But there is not much we can do about that.

First of all I want to say welcome home to our family. Jon and I have missed you all very much, talking everyday and sharing Hayden's random outbursts with you all. It was hard going without a chat every once in a while. I know we all can't wait for July.

Second, Hayden is a dream. He has been sleeping a lot better, even when he does wake himself up, he plays for a little bit in his crib and sometimes goes back to sleep. The first time it happened this week, I was in heaven. I never thought sleep could feel so good when there has been lack of lately. He still gets up twice a night, but that is usually at 12 and 4, then he usually sleeps until Jon is about to leave for work. It is nice to sleep in, but unfortunately Hayden's naps are starting to disappear and that stinks because that is when I get my school work done.

Third, Hayden can roll over now back to front and front to back. Now he won't do it in front of you but when I leave the room for a second and come back he is either on his stomach or back, different from how I left him. Jon tried to get him to do it for him the other night. It was unsuccessful. I guess we are just going to have to hide the video camera to catch it.

Fourth, I uploaded the video of Hayden playing in the sand. I hope you all enjoy. Miss and love you all!
Amanda, Jon, and Hayden


Pat & Brian said...

Hi Amanda and Jon, you too Hayden,

Just wanted to tell you that we so enjoy the news from your part of the country. Hayden is growing so fast. A word of caution, his naps should not be disapperaring.
He is far to young to not nap. Try putting him down once in the morning and again in the afternoon. He might not sleep as long as when he was so little, but they sometimes need to be trained to nap. Keep at it for a week or so, Stacy used to put some books and toys in the crib. Then they play and relax and fall asleep, if you are lucky. He really should do that though for awhile yet. My kids napped until they were 5. But when older, only once a day. Of course not all kids are as sleepy heads like mine were.
We had a busy day today. Brian and Brett (they took off work) spread about 22 yards of mulch around the yard. Wow, what big piles. I thought I was going to help, but I watched Ben and did a very minute part. Cousin Jeff and Paula were here last evening and helped. Thanks to all of them. I would have been dead. Your heart and mind say, oh I can do that, then your body tells you otherwise. Tonight is club. We are having a little housewarming for Aunt Nanc. Hope she doesn't read this!! Its a surprise. Tomorrow night we are going to a play with friends and on Sunday we are seeing other friends. Hope to see mom and dad on Monday maybe, or during the week. It was so good to hear your dads voice and know they were in Racine. Well I have to get ready. Have a great Holiday and thanks again for all the great photos. July can't come soon enough to meet that handsome man. (no Jon, I mean Hayden)

Love and Hugs to you all,

Aunt Nanc said...

Hi guys,
Boy had Hayden grown, of course I have been on the other blog and missed this one. Sorry, I'm thinking in July of driving up to meet the little guy, maybe you two also. Tee hee.
Ok my club was great last night, got lots of new stuff to put around or up. Now that I have the birds trained to bathe in this little plant drain dish I got this wonderful bird bath. That deck is becomming smaller and smaller. Rudy loves to go out and look for maybe a minute then in again, you know he thinks I'm eating all the time and he doesn't want to miss out.
Got an email this morning and there will be a birthday party next Saturday for Hailee, you might want to call on that day.
So what size is Hayden into now?
Now that the condo is all done I will have to go shopping.
Have a wonderful week.
I will be watching this blog more.

Jack and Cheryl said...

Missing you guys very much -- the house is much too quiet! I downloaded the pictures from my trip and your visit -- so be sure to check out the walgreens site to see if you want some of them. There's some really cute ones of our visit to the grandparents & from the party on Saturday.

Love you guys!

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!