Monday, June 9, 2008

Don't Worry We are Still Alive

I know it has been a couple of weeks since we have last blogged. Well, lets just say we all have been super busy. After coming home from Wisconsin it has been a non-stop week. I have been extremely busy with school (my last final is tonight) and interview for an internship this summer (which I got). The internship is helping adults and kids in the head-start program get their GED. I get class credit which transfers to any Washington college and the work experience. I am very excited to see how it works out. I will teach Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 to 12, which are great hours and I am not away from Hayden that long. Jon has been doing his usual working like crazy to finish his training. He is a third of the way done, and he just looked at the Wisconsin requirements after of course passing the board tests. He only has to have a year experience which is much better than 2 years.

Hayden well he has not been his normal self. It took him a good week to get back in the swing of things. Since he wasn't use to taking a nap in his swing Jon and I have been trying the crib for naps. It works only problem is they are cut short because Hayden rolls on his tummy head first into the mattress and wakes himself up. He has been doing that at night as well, which sometimes is a little annoying because I don't get much sleep then, but lately it has been getting better. He has been eating a lot more solids. If he doesn't get enough to eat he is crabby too. I think his teeth are bothering him as well, because lately his moods aren't the greatest. Now that I think about it, it could be an accumulation of everything going on these past weeks.

We are all ready for summer, the nice weather, longer daylight, and of course vacation! Jon and I did some shopping Saturday for ourselves for summer clothes, wait we did shop for Hayden too (it is hard not to get him some cute outfits when we find such great deals). Jon got some more "daddy" t-shirts to wear during the summer, I got some nicer clothes that I can wear for my internship, and Hayden, well he got two outfits a a 3 piece nice outfit we will use for pictures and special occasions, and then just a cute short outfit.

Sorry we haven't updated the pictures lately either. I will do that later this afternoon during Hayden's second nap. I have to study for my final tonight. Other than being busy we are all doing fine, but we are getting a little too excited to be up north in July. We all can't wait to relax, and get Hayden in the water!


Jack and Cheryl said...

Hi guys!
Missing you!!! Love the new pictures and the video -- I didn't even know that you took it. Was that dad making the funny noises in the beginning or Jonathan?

Amanda I got your message about the pictures - we'll give you a call when they call us. Jack & I checked them out already -- too cute!!

We found some teething biscuit type things yesterday at the store -- do you think we could pick them up for Hayden? It's in the graduates food and it says kids are ready for them when they are crawling. Kind of think that Hayden may be at that stage when we see him in July. He's progressing so quickly!

Keep us posted about school -- proud of you Amanda for earning that internship!

Jonathan Dad checked out the Lake Delton videos & pictures -- so sad!How is it that you in Washington knew about it before we did???

Have a great night guys! Love you all!

Jon and Amanda said...

Is it the bitter biscuit? We saw those and didn't know if that was what you were talking about. I think that is a great idea for up north, thank you. With what has been going on lately we may go out and buy some now. He is starting to crawl a little, only it is backwards and it is more of a scoot.

I am glad you liked the pictures, some I took when we got home and they are great pictures. This weekend or next week sometime we are going to take his 6 month pictures. We bought a special outfit for them, so he will be extra cute (even though he already is!).

p.s. Jon looks at daily and that is how he knew. He is silly like that and wants to keep posted about everything that is going on back home. Also the VIP of operations in the Miluakee area is visiting his building today, but I am sure he will call and let you know that. Miss you guys and see you soon.

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!