Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Another Growth Spurt?

Jon and I are so confused right now. We are not sure how much to feed Hayden anymore. I am afraid I will over feed him and give him a belly ache, but when it comes down to it I want my sleep more. We have been feeding Hayden 3 times a day. A total of 2 and a half tubs of solids. Morning is usually the sweets (fruit) mixed with oatmeal or rice cereal, then we do a little of both fruit and veggies for lunch and then usually veggies at dinner. Sometimes we mix up the sequence first giving veggies in morning and doing fruit and oatmeal at night. I thought this would be enough food. Last night I didn't want to feed him too much so I stop feeding him after a full container plus a little extra. He still woke up ever 2 hours to breastfeed last night. I don't know what to do. We are not sure if he is going through a growth spurt or teething. Needless to say both Jon and I are a little tired today. I could really use some wise input or tricks of the trade.

1 comment:

Ruchell said...

bOY OH bOY! Well I would ask your doctors office to see what they say for what to give. I have always fed Brooklynn enough until she pushes the food away or acts like she is done. Even if that means some days she would eat oatmeal plus 2 containers of baby food. Some days she is more hungry than others. I would try to keep giving him solids until he acts like he doesn't want anymore and then breastfeed him after solids. I would think if he is going through a growth spurt that he might eat a lot a few times and then not eat so much. I know my brother at 5 months was eating finger foods already and didn't want to nurse anymore. He was a HUNGRY baby and was over 23 lbs at 6 months. Good luck and take a few naps! :-)

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!