Friday, June 13, 2008

Back to normal

Well everything is finally back to normal with Hayden. He was going through a growth spurt. Last night Jon and I finally got some sleep. Hayden only woke up twice 12:30 and 4 then not until we got up. Finally we actually got some sleep. He is now eating less too, only going through 2 containers of food instead of 3.

I weighed him too thinking that he was a little heavier. Anyone want to guess? Well his weight is 18.5 pounds. Yup he went from 17.2 pounds last week to eighteen and a half. Goodness! He tends to surprise me each day.

Well this weekend we are heading to my moms. Saturday I am doing make-over stuff with my mom and sister. Not a clue what Jon and Hayden will be doing at that time. Then Saturday night Jon and I are going to go out for Father's Day to a movie or dinner, but we haven't decided yet. My sister really wants to watch the baby. But she may have to fight my mom for that privilege.

This coming week we will be in Portland most of the week. Jon's company wants him to train a new referral manager. Go figure he isn't even a regional in sales and marketing and yet they want him to train this new person. I think the company thinks pretty highly of him. I just can't wait until we know where we will be at with this company so we can finally settle down.

Anyway, if we don't get a chance on Father's Day to wish everyone a Happy Father's Day - Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there. Miss everyone and vacation is only a month and two weeks away!


Jack and Cheryl said...

Just wanted to take a moment to say Happy First Father's Day to you Jonathan! Enjoy your day!

Talk to you guys soon! Hope you found that bread pudding recipe you were looking for.

Love you!!!!

Pat & Brian said...

Hi Ollmann's,

Happy Late Fathers Day Jonathan. I'm sure you all had a great day together. Glad Hayden is sleeping better, and you also. Looking forward to seeing all of you again soon. The days are just flying by. We are having a rummage again at the OCCC this Sat. Aunt Nanc is helping me and we are selling some of Jill's stuff for her. I'm so glad she had stuff too sell, I haven't got very much myself. Our friends signed us up for two sales, and I really only wanted to do one, but it will be fine. They are fun to do, just lots of hauling things back and forth. We had all the kids here, and their kids, had a great day. I visited Gram today, she was fine. Not to confused, which was nice. Well heading downstairs now to work on the rummage, I'd much rather be on the couch....oh well. See you all soon. Love and hugs to you all.

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!