Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Can never have enough clothes!

I officially decided that you can never have too many baby clothes. Hayden has been giving me a run for our money this week with clothes and diapers. Yesterday he pooped through a total of 3 outfits and today he either got sick or spit up more than his stomach could possible hold. As you can see it has been a rough couple of days for his outfits.

To update everyone on sleeping, the little guy is getting worse. He does his usual routine with Jon and eats rice and takes a bottle and cries when you put him down. Only last night even though he did take the bottle he wanted me to put him to sleep by breastfeeding. He cried for 30 to 40 minutes which usually by the second time we go in 15 minutes later he takes his nuk and falls asleep. On top of that instead of his usual 4 to 5 hour sleep cycle in the beginning it was shortened to 2 1/2 hours. Then it got rough, I fed him but he just wouldn't fall asleep. He would only fall asleep holding my finger and then I would wait and go into the next room to go to bed. 15 minutes later he was up crying again. After doing this 4 times, trying a transitional object (his boopie), and leaving a piece of my clothing close by that smelled like me, I ended up sleeping in the guest room on the bed. Any suggestions?

Other than the sleeping problems everything else is great. He is getting better at entertaining himself, but if for a second he doesn't think you are close by or within sight he gets a little crabby. I am not sure how a babysitter is going to work when I start with observations, unless it is just separation anxiety for human contact and not from Jon or me yet.


Ruchell said...

Love the blog header! Good job! I will talk to Nick about that Saturday when you are in town - for the BBQ. Sleeping issue, yeah that's tough. Brooklynn went through a rough week where she wanted to nurse to fall asleep and was getting up A LOT but she also had a cold. I did a lot of internet googling and read a bunch of stuff. I decided I didn't want to nurse her to fall asleep so I would put her to bed and let her cry for 5 minutes at a time, go back in and rub her tummy, stay in there for a minute and keep doing that until she eventuall fell asleep or stopped crying. Eventually she got the hint. That is rough - however sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get through the night. Then when you think you have a good routine down or that you have it figured out - they change it up on you again. I think once you become a parent you kiss an entire nights sleep goodbye. For the last month Brooklynn has been waking up 2 to 3 times per night. So needless to say I really don't remember the last time I slept through the night. Good luck and if you want to chat you can always give me a call! We can share "how to get your baby to sleep" ideas :-)

Jack and Cheryl said...

Hi guys! So sorry to hear that you've had some sleepless nights - I like the ideas Ruchell had, sometimes you just have to try things until you find what works for you and for Hayden. I remember many nights that I layed on Jonathan's floor next to the crib and than would sneak out, opening the door a little at a time until I could leave. He was smart, though, sometimes he'd wake up when I was almost out . . . and than we'd start all over. Try to keep these feelings in mind -- there will come a time when you'll be banging on the door trying to get him up!!!

Life Changed now I'm Moving On said...

Hi Amanda, Jon, and Hayden.
I am sorry that you have had some sleepless nights lately, I wish I had some advice to give, however I think the ideas Ruchell and Mom gave are great, and Mom is right, someday you'll be bothering him to get out of bed and get ready for the day! I miss you all so much and am really enjoying the updates on Hayden and life. It is pretty nice here during the day we've been enjoying in the mid to high 60s no rain or anything, sometime reaching close to 70's if we're lucky, but it is nice here. Cant wait to see you in July! It cant come soon enough for me! Love You All! Lisa

Pat & Brian said...

Hello Ollmann's,

The new photos are great. What a cutie!! Sorry to hear of the night problems, I am of no help. It has been to long ago for me to remember, oh actually I don't remember things from 10 minutes ago. Sucks to get old. Good thing you have lots of clothes for the little guy. Maybe he has a bug of some kind, it might be the reason he is getting up more. I know Sadie had a few bad nights when she had the flu and a cold. Actually she ended up with a ear infection, which Brett and Bon really didn't think she had. I noticed she kept pulling on her ears and sticking her finger in her ears, no fever or crying, just not herself. OH, and Bon said she was throwing up lots and projectile vomiting. Hope that isn't the case with Hayden, just thought I should mention it.
Well enough tonight. I need to go and watch some TV. Its good for old folks. Looking forward to seeing you in July for vacation. Hope all is better with your little one soon. Love and Hugs, Brian and Pat

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!