Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Verdict Is In

Well, after Amanda's call to the doctors office they decided they wanted to see him right away today.

Doc was concerned that he had an ear infection. Well they were wrong, but he does have a sinus infection. Poor little guy, 4 months old and already has sinus problems.

Well that explains why the humidifier and every other little trick we could think of were not working.

Great, he is already snotty.


Life Changed now I'm Moving On said...

Awww..Bummer! At least you know what it is, and hopefully soon he will be back to his old smily non-cranky self! Thinking about you alot, and glad you got to talk to Mom and Dad a little bit..they didnt post today, anything new with them? I was wondering how the zoo went with the girls..anyways nice post on Mom and Dad page Jon, I am sure from thousands of miles away you can not embarass Hailee..maybe only from where you are to home! I miss you guys, and am glad to hear that you know whats going on with Hayden, sorry its a sinus infection, I guess he is going to take after his grandpa, aunt, and father on those sinus problems! Love You Guys! Hope you get a little sleep tonight! Lisa

Jack and Cheryl said...

It was good to talk with you Jonathan -- glad that you took Hayden in. Much better to know what you're dealing with than worrying about a crabby baby. We hope that both Amanda and Hayden are feeling better soon!

Love you guys!

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!