Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No sleep for me...

Monday night Jon fed Hayden some rice for the first time. He got it all into his mouth, which we were told the first time is a challenge. Well, I guess Hayden proved everyone wrong because he is ready to eat solids that is for sure. Bad news is, it is not helping him sleep at night.

Yesterday in the parent/infant class we were talking about sleep patterns with babies throughout the first year. The instructor informed me that Hayden is starting what is called separation anxiety. Which according to her starts anywhere between 4 to 6 months and usually peaks at 9 months. So Hayden is forcing himself to wake up just to make sure someone is there. After I heard that I wanted to cry. Just means less sleep for me, but at least I know he is getting enough food at night.

Yesterday I also weighed him again because his next doctors appointment isn't until May 2nd for round two of shots. Everyone get ready Hayden is now 16.4 lbs. Yes the boy has gained almost a whole pound in such short time.

Stacey I think you are right, we are going to have a football player for sure! We can't wait to get back to Wisconsin this summer to see everyone and show off our pride and joy. He really does spoil us, well minus the sleeping, but other than that I he is so much fun and a blessing to have.


Life Changed now I'm Moving On said...

Hi Guys!
Amanda, you are doing a wonderful job! I am sorry that you are losing sleep..wish I was there to help out! I cant believe Hayden is just over 16 pounds..I think he is taking after Jon in that department :*), I am pretty sure he was a big baby too at 4 months old...and he was a soccer and football player! Love you all, and cant wait to see you in June. I will be showing the a few videos to the family this favorite is when he mimics Jon..Amazing! It makes me smile everytime I see it (O.K. truth be told anytime I see Hayden I smile as I just love him so much!) Love You and Miss You! Lisa

Jack and Cheryl said...

We are so happy to read these updates! Keep them coming Amanda!

Jack says it will get better as time goes on, but I'm not sure how he would know that -- or maybe my memory of him sleeping through anything is incorrect! :0)

Love you all!

Aunt Nanc said...

Quite the big boy already, but when the walking starts some of the weight will go. Don't push it though or you will be running right along with him.
Can't wait to see you again and meet Hayden.
Lots of hugs to you all.

Steve, Stacy, and the kiddos said...

Thanks for the new pic. We got it tonight at Mike & Gail's. I've got them on my desk at work. Can't wait to meet him. :)

Amanda, you're SO right...they are so much fun (until they are able to talk back, whine, complain, and tell you how unfair you are... :) The bonus part is, by the time Hayden learns to do all of those things, he'll be sleeping through the night. :) :) :)

Jon will have to talk to Steve about how we broke Trev's nighttime crying habit at 5 months. It involved a lot of tears on my part, a pillow over my head, and Steve dictating the clock in the middle of the night. It did work though, as hard as it was on me. I'm sure Steve would be more than happy to share his strategy with Jon.

Well, fortunately for us, our kiddos are so tired from being in the trampoline at Zess's, that they're out for the night. My old body needs some rest, so I'll close for tonight. Keep us posted on that adorable baby of yours!! He sure is a cutie pie!

The Sell Family said...

How cute is your little guy!?!?

Avery can have a little boyfriend...just turned 2 - almost 40 pounds, outweighing Owen who is 4 yrs.!!

HE is just too cute!!


Maria, Brian, Owen & Avery Sell

Guess when Hayden will arrive!!